Salty ocean spray, icy water, and whipping winds can take a toll on your ears. Wearing ear protection helps keep you in the surf longer and prevents painful surfer’s ear from cutting your season short.



Whether you're training in open water or taking a casual dip, cold water can lead to long-term ear issues. Ear plugs are a simple way to stay comfortable and prevent swimmer's ear, so you can keep doing what you love.



The thrill of the wind and waves shouldn't come with the risk of ear pain or long-term damage. Ear plugs keep your ears protected, so you can ride the elements without worry.


Whitewater Kayaking

Crashing rapids and cold sprays can do more than wake you up—they can lead to ear infections or lasting issues. Stay ahead of the current with ear protection that keeps you safe and focused on the ride.

  • Are you an established water sport athlete?

    We are seeking partnerships with water sport athletes who are passionate about their sport and are interested in helping take SEKI ear protection to the world.

  • Are you a leader or coach in your sport?

    Making waves in your local scene? Talk to us about how our innovative design can help your members stay in their element longer.

  • Are you a diehard fan or rising star?

    Live and breathe your water sports? Day job getting in the way of being in or on the water? Tell us how partnering with you could help make SEKI a household name.

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